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Medical examination and check-ups

During the first examination particular attention is paid to the health of the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, muscles and joints, both in normal conditions and following trauma.

An evaluation of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system is carried out in order to diagnose acute, chronic or degenerative pathologies that may affect the spine, the upper limbs (shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand) or the lower limbs (hip, knee, ankle and foot).


For a more accurate evaluation, the patient is invited to bring along any reports, such as X-rays or MRI, which could be useful for the diagnosis.

The visit can end with the formulation of a diagnosis and the indication of an appropriate therapy, or with the prescription of further diagnostic tests (such as Rx, MRI, CT, blood or urine tests, etc.).

There check-up visit, on the other hand, is aimed at re-evaluating the patient's clinical status following the therapies or checks prescribed during the first visit.

Post-surgical dressings and brace placement

Wrist Brace

Post-surgical dressings and brace placement

Strumenti chirurgici


The most frequent pathologies include osteoarthritis, meniscus problems, knee ligament injuries, shoulder tendon injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, rhizarthrosis, Morton's neuroma, epicondylitis, plantar fasciitis, low back pain and lumbosciatica. 

Childen orthopedics

During childhood it is important to evaluate the presence of any deformities of the foot, the spine and the alignment of the lower, upper and pelvis limbs. The most common problems include flat feet, scoliosis and axial defects of the lower limb, such as varus or valgus knees. Furthermore, it is not infrequent to find the asthenic curved back in young people, which manifests itself with a curved shoulder attitude and a prominent abdomen.

Medico e paziente

Offriamo una vasta gamma di servizi per la gestione post-operatoria e post-traumatica, tra cui medicazioni semplici per ferite, fino alla rimozione dei punti di sutura (sia in filo che metallici).


Offriamo inoltre la possibilità di posizionamento di tutori per la gestione di condizioni post-traumatiche e post-chirurgiche.

Siamo in grado di fornire programmi terapeutici continuativi anche dopo la dimissione dal Pronto Soccorso o dal reparto chirurgico, garantendo un supporto a lungo termine ai nostri pazienti.

Previa visita Ortopedica e su indicazione dello specialista Dr. Rosà, è possibile programmare sia interventi minori che di maggior entità presso prestigiose strutture come la clinica "City Clinic" a Bolzano, presso l'Ospedale "S. Maria del Carmine" di Rovereto e l'Ospedale Civile di Arco.

Ancora med e tut
Ancora chir
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