Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy in the musculoskeletal field is a health discipline that deals with the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of pathologies and musculoskeletal dysfunctions, both congenital and acquired.
The Physiotherapist, a healthcare professional with a qualifying degree, uses a wide range of therapeutic interventions, including manual/manipulative therapy, therapeutic exercise, physical therapy, postural therapy and other techniques to manage the patient in the functional recovery of motor impairments and disabilities , whatever the cause, independently or in synergy with other healthcare figures, aiming to recover lost skills.
At FisioGarda we offer the possibility of continuing therapeutic programs both after discharge from the Emergency Department and from the surgical department.
During the rehabilitation process, the progressive objectives include the reduction and elimination of pain and other signs and symptoms of suffering, the restoration of dysfunctional and symptomatic neuro-musculoskeletal structures, functional re-education and the return to daily activity and sporty.
Physiotherapy can intervene in both adult and child problems.
First Evaluation
The first examination is crucial to classificate the problem, for the knowledge of the person and the understanding of his expectations.
The patient's clinical history is investigated and the information necessary to build a functional clinical diagnosis is collected, from which it is possible to set up the subsequent rehabilitation work and define a prognosis.
If further information is required, the Physiotherapist himself will advise the patient on the most suitable clinician for his pathology.
of the hand
Hand rehabilitation is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that developed following the need to adapt to the increasingly sophisticated microsurgery techniques that are applied to this body area.
The hand is a complex and delicate organ, and at the same time essential in everyday life.
Dedicated rehabilitation by a specialized physiotherapist allows for higher quality results and better functional recovery, of the hand itself but also of the entire upper limb.
Manual therapy and manipulations
The manual therapy is a specialization of physiotherapy used for the treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological pathologies, through a series of passive interventions performed by the Physiotherapist. It is very effective in modulating the pain, in increasing mobility and joint and muscle function, and therefore in reducing the risk of injury during movement.
The manipulation or thrust is a highly specialized treatment. The technique involves a high velocity, small amplitude movement (HVLAT: high velocity low amplitude thrust) by applying a very slight force.
Joint manipulation is a painless treatment, usually aimed at one or more target joints, whose neurophysiological effect is to alleviate musculoskeletal pain.
Therapeutic exercise
Therapeutic exercise plays an important role in the rehabilitation process: the main objective is to maintain and increase the benefits obtained through manual therapy during treatment.
The exercise programs are specific, personalized and aim at reducing or resolving the symptoms and regaining articulation and muscle strength, respecting elements such as gradualness, progression, variability and tolerance to local and general load. The aim is to re-educate the compromised gesture or function without pain, anxiety or fear.
Post-operative rehabilitation
Post-operative rehabilitation is a physiotherapy path aimed at restoring correct neuromotor functions following surgery. The main purpose is to educate the patient on the use of any braces or temporary supports, restore joint mobility, recover muscle tone and the progressive use of the body segment that has undergone the operation and finally reactivate a correct motor and postural pattern both segmental and global.
Post-traumatic rehabilitation
Post-traumatic rehabilitation is a physiotherapy course aimed at achieving complete recovery of the patient's functionality and motor activities after a traumatic event. It includes a series of exercises and therapies according to an individualized rehabilitation programme, based on the age, physical and physiological characteristics of the patient, but above all on the basis of the type of trauma suffered.
We proceed by treating pain, movement limitations, swelling, etc. and giving the patient the possibility to carry out, in a normal way, all the activities of his daily and sporting life.
Postural and balance re-education
In one's daily and working day one is led to maintain the same positions and repeat the same movements, resulting in wear and tear and stress for the most stressed structures: rehabilitation or postural gymnastics is a very valid method for preventing and treating all those ailments that they can derive from incorrect positions maintained over time by our body.
Treatment of osteoarthritis and problems related to aging
Osteoarthritis is a disease caused by wear and tear and aging of the joints, which mainly affects the areas most subjected to load.
Physiotherapy is a very useful treatment for those with osteoarthritis problems, especially if there are difficulties in carrying out normal daily activities.
It is a common mistake to believe that over the years you have to give up your routine and your autonomy: with the right precautions, you can face changes gradually, even living your old age in excellent shape._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The patient's motor skills will be evaluated and implemented, with particular attention to functional gestures, walking, the ability to maintain static and dynamic balance and coordination of movements.
In any situation where it is essential to restore functionality to the hand, it is useful and recommended to consult a physiotherapist specialized in hand rehabilitation. This may include:
following a period of immobilisation, with the use of a brace or in plaster, following a trauma;
after surgery: sometimes even after an apparently simple operation, unpleasant effects can occur such as swelling of the hand, adherent scars or difficulty in recovering movement;
in the presence of inflammatory or degenerative pathologies such as arthrosis or rheumatoid arthritis, to preserve the functionality of the hand and learn the correct attitudes to safeguard the affected structures.
before some surgical interventions, to prepare the hand and its tissues for the operation, thus reducing subsequent recovery times.
Physical therapies
Physical therapy refers to the use of physical energies for therapeutic purposes in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. These energies, produced by electromedical devices, generate a chain of biological reactions leading to specific therapeutic effects, including anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, microcirculation activation, edema and effusion drainage, decontracting action, and tissue metabolism reactivation.
Physical therapy is often combined with manual therapy and therapeutic exercise to achieve better and more lasting results.
Focal shock wave therapy is commonly used in rehabilitation and sports to prevent and treat traumatic, inflammatory, or post-surgical musculoskeletal pathologies, with a focus on pain reduction and tissue repair.
Paraffin therapy is a valuable treatment option for post-traumatic or post-surgical stiffness and pain in the hand and wrist, as well as for arthrosis or rheumatological pathologies.
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that directs acoustic waves towards symptomatic tissue. The waves stimulate the reabsorption of calcified deposits, improve blood supply to capillaries, and reduce pain. This therapy is effective in treating musculoskeletal problems, especially tendinopathies, in a short amount of time.
Shockwave therapy is recommended for several conditions, including epicondylitis and epitrochleitis, calcific tendinopathy of the shoulder, patellar and quadriceps tendinopathy, Achilles tendinopathy, bursitis, plantar fasciitis and heel pain, myofascial pain, and muscle contractures.
In association with appropriate physiotherapy, this therapy often eliminates the need for surgery.