Corinna Matassoni, RD
Graduated in Dietetics in November 2023 from the University of Padua, Department of Medicine and Surgery.
In 2023, she began the Master's program in "Complete Sports Nutrition" at TECH University.
She is committed to continuous professional development every year, attending update courses in sports nutrition, metabolic diseases, microbiota, and other areas of nutritional interest.
She works with athletes, sports enthusiasts, healthy individuals in specific physiological conditions, and people in various life stages (pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood, adolescence, menopause, old age) as well as individuals with nutrition-related conditions such as metabolic syndrome, obesity and overweight, dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, allergies, intolerances, type 1 and 2 diabetes, celiac disease, and others. She also works with individuals following vegetarian and vegan diets.
She is registered with the Order of Medical Radiology Technicians and Health Professionals in the Autonomous Province of Trento, Dietitians Section (registration no. 51).
Freelancer since 2023. She immediately began her outpatient practice, working with both healthy individuals and those with medical conditions. She gained experience in outpatient and hospital clinical settings at the S. Chiara Hospital in Trento, S. Maria del Carmine in Rovereto, and at the Padua Hospital, as well as in collective catering at Risto 3. Since 2023, she has been seeing patients at Elite Studio (Villa Lagarina, 38060).
Starting in April 2024, she will also be available in Alto Garda Trentino, at the FISIOGARDA clinic.

M.Cristina Del Prete, RD
Graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Padua in 1996, after passing the State exams for professional qualification, she enrolled in the National Register of Biologists.
Every year, she attends Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses with the aim of deepening her knowledge of the relationship between intestinal microbiota, autoimmune pathologies, and the role of nutrition. There is an increasing body of scientific evidence demonstrating the role of the intestinal barrier in reducing inflammation in other bodily systems as well (such as skin, lungs, mouth, vagina microbiota). Maintaining a healthy gut-brain axis is crucial not only for addressing intestinal symptoms but also extraintestinal ones, such as anxiety and depression. Her main fields of interest include obesity, metabolic syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and psoriasis.
For years, she has been involved in school catering for some elementary and high schools in Trento. Currently, she collaborates with the Health Medical Center in Cles, runs a psychology practice in Trento, and since September 2023, she has also been active in the Alto Garda region at the FisioGarda clinic.
Durante il primo incontro, della durata di circa un’ora, viene effettuata un’attenta valutazione della persona, delle sue abitudini alimentari/lavorative e di eventuali patologie accertate, in modo da elaborare un piano alimentare più possibile vicino al suo stile di vita.
​Prevede il controllo dell'andamento: viene fissato indicativamente dopo 4-5 settimane in base al percorso e alle necessità individuali.
Viene analizzata la composizione corporea con l’esame bioimpedenziometrico, utilizzando la Bia Akern 101, in modo da valutare le variazioni di massa muscolare, acqua cellulare e massa grassa durante il percorso nutrizionale.